Colored Babies, Inc.

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More Cannabis, Less Mental Illness

As you know, today marks mental health awareness month. We can honestly say, just noticing that awareness makes us want to live with a healthier mind.

You could be someone that’s been keeping up with the last few of our entries– or this could be your first time reading a post from us… Either way, I’m pretty sure you can see enough of Colored Babies to know that we do not judge. As long as you are not endangering the well-bing of another individual (mentally and physically)…

We are derived from those unhealthy mental health moments so we know a lot about experience from our of journey… and from our personal experience, marijuana has been a tremendous help on maintaining our mental balance. Of course, everything is good in moderation…. It is imperative that THC enthusiast are over the age of 21 and able to make that cognitive decision.

Being prescribed a number of anti-depressants, marijuana is the only solution that doesn't not have physical side effects that outweigh the symptoms.

Like mentioned, marijuana is not recommended for everyone (obviously), It is important to know yourself and not over doing things if your body does agree with its chemistry…

Marijuana is great when we feel very anxious, having a hard time sleeping, and it allows us to physically release muscle tension.

Different strokes, different folks… I am not an advocate for medications and would highly suggest considering the cannabis route… at-lease trying it.



Cannabis and mental health: two things we should know more about, yet many medical professionals will confidently tell you the two don’t mix. But could cannabis be helping instead of hurting? This Medical Minute looks at emerging cannabis studies in mental illness and touches on a few other developments made in the past few weeks.

1. Keep Calm and Medicate On

2. As Legalization Rises, Suicides Fall

3. Sleep Minus the Apnea

4. Pot in a Pill is Less Effective

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