Animals Help People With Mental & Physical Health Conditions

Hand Drawn by: Color Me Tone

Hand Drawn by: Color Me Tone

In people with cancer, animal-assisted interventions (i.e. therapy, education, activities) play a role in reducing anxiety, depression and aggression during treatment. [6,7]

For people receiving treatment for mental illnesses, animal-assisted interventions reduce anger, anxiety, depression, and general distress, while improving the ability to socialize. [8]

Studies have also shown that animal interactions have the ability to help people who are critically ill by reducing stress, anxiety, and boredom; improving mood; and reducing heart rate and blood pressure. [9]

For people being treated for HIV, those who own dogs show fewer symptoms of depression and are better at taking medications—likely because of the routines that come with dog ownership. [10]

Nearly 70% of U.S. households (84.6 million) own a pet. Of those [1]:

  • 80% believe their pets bring them happiness and emotional support;

  • 55% believe their pets reduce anxiety and depression; and

  • 66% believe their pets relieve stress.