Lil' Babies, Let's Keep the Love in PLAY ⏯


This flower is for you. who would’ve even thought…

- Color Me Tone

People are so beautiful... everyone LITERALLY has a story. Their story that makes them who they are at this very moment in time. And it is an ART to be able to remove your ego, remain present, and wholeheartedly SEE within the that person as they guide you through their self portrait.

And in that sense– you see, I am a lion tamer. A professional, yet far from perfect.. There are mental obstacles that I cycle through sometimes, when I am slowing down and out of the inner-ring, I can count my blessings and be thankful. I can be thankful during those low periods even when I am not able to see light, at that moment in time. I realize people are literally walking before us with their heads high and guns loaded but dealing with a war with themselves, DAILY. And I am proud of those people and admire their strength through the lens of empathy and aspiration.

Three days ago my life took a crazy turn... I began getting further treatment and care for 3 “debilitating” mental diagnosis, at the age of 29. Today I am at peace and feel soooo much more stronger than yesterdays. I own those diagnosis’ treatments and I am proud of myself. This point in my life, has sent me into a state of extreme non-resistance– In the best ways!!! I have no fight left to resist and sensing soooo much compassion and excitement on my journey’s new twist. There is a greater compassion for myself, which leads to compassion and understanding for people. Especially for the beautiful women that have rallied behind me during these last couple of weeks. I am so BLESSED and THANKFUL for the amazing people that I’ve crossed paths with and have shared experiences with. Good and bad :)

We have our own stories and unique life experiences that make us shine a little more brighter everyday. Year 29 is teaching me to live more outward for MYSELF + the people around me. We are put on this earth to love unconditionally and by that, it is my duty to take the help of others by listening and being present when we cross paths and share moments.

All thanks for my journey and the people that are meant to be in my life for a reason or even a season. If anything, this moment is telling me to tighten my focus a little more on things that matter– things that are worth of my fucks. Like the people that continue to be here for me and have rallied behind me during this brief time in my life. 

I share this very intimate experience to be vulnerable with you all and share the spirit of empowerment and hope with anyone dealing with a mental war on a daily bases. Just know that you are loved by SOMEONE out here, even if it is just 1 person. The universe is made to work with us, so it is important to stay as positive as possible. Even if we have to fake it, it will eventually appear again. There is ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel, even if that tunnel appear over and over… embrace the ways you were created and learn how to “dance” or cope with those unique attributions. If you seek to be more cooperative with society, learn ways to cope that help you better communicate with people and and better communicate what you are trying to convey. Just know that everyone is different and just because you have a diagnosis… or 2…. or 3…. that doesn’t mean that is who you are. Don’t let anything divine you!! Just learn how to drive SAFELY in your new whip and keep it pushing.


If you are reading this, you’ve taken the time out of your day, and FINITE time, to learn about what is going on in the world of Tone. And thats pretty cool to me. I appreciate your time and ask that you continue to spread light and joy amongst this world.

I will continue to do the same!! Do not fall victim, you lil babies are soldiers. Continue to thrive and keep each other reminded to stay looking up. We need our community and people around us to be happy.

Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day! Please leave a comment if you feel compelled. You never know, you could be just delivering a message that someone needs to hear.

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Tone Hubb

Color Me Tone

The Color Pink's Psychology

What Does the Color Pink Mean?

The Iowa Hawkeyes famously have a pink visiting team locker room at their Kinnick Stadium. The idea for the pink locker room was conceived by Iowa coach Hayden Fry, who had majored in psychology at Baylor University and believed that the all-pink room would mess with the minds of the opposing teams. 

It is important to remember, however, that color associations are heavily affected by individual experiences and cultural influences. People who link the color to pleasant memories are more likely to find it a pleasing and enjoyable color. Those who associate pink with negative experiences or people may develop unpleasant associations.

How does pink make you feel? Do you associate pink with certain qualities or situations? You can discover how other people react to the color pink in some of the following responses that our readers have shared over the years.

Pink Is Joyful

Some readers have described pink as a color that evokes feelings of joy and happiness. "Although green used to be my favorite color, pink has the strongest and deepest emotional influence to me," wrote one reader. "The color pink to me has a deeply joyful vibe to it. Like being "home." A familiar friendly place deep within everyone's heart where there are no worries, you are never lonely, you have everything in life that you ever wanted. You are loved and accepted by everyone."

Pink Is Creative

For other readers, pink gives off a creative and artistic vibe. "I do not wear pink but I am drawn to it for my study where I do not have to compromise with my husband," said another reader. "It is a happy color and it makes me feel creative. For the first time in my life, I am decorating with pink, hot pink."

Pink Is Feminine and Vibrant

Many readers have written to suggest that pink is both feminine as well as vibrant. "Feminine, attractive, vibrant... Love pink lipstick, clothing, or tops worn in contrast with black. Bright pink, or paler no matter what age makes me feel flirty, astute, and can accomplish what I need to that day. I associate it with 'sugar and spice and all things nice.' Flowers, romantic gestures, and kindness," wrote reader Jill Cleggett.

Pink Is Childish

Of course, some people have a slightly less positive view of the color pink. "Perhaps my opinion is 'kids TV bias,' but it really seems to represent every single little girl on the planet (according to television), which has a very profound effect on kids. That would also explain why every toy, doll or dress my little sister has is..guess what? PINK! It's almost like to little girls it's "if you don't love pink, you're not really a girl." You can notice this at schools Very easily. And, on the contrary, little boys hate pink," wrote one reader.

Pink Is Refreshing

"Pink makes me think of springtime flowers and all things fresh and new. It seems like a really inspiring color. If I could, I would paint my room all pink so that I could always feel that sense of inspiration and renewal." explained one reader named Gemma.

Pink Is Euphoric

One common response from readers has been that different shades of pink can evoke different moods. For example, one reader explained:

"Hot pink is vivacious and joyous. I think that hot pink embodies who I try to be as a person: full of life and character. I didn't really gravitate toward this color until my late teens; as I was initially a lover of red. However, red comes across as harsh and overly bold, while pink comes across as gentle and feminine. Don't get me wrong, I think that red can be very flattering, but it just doesn't suit me. Another reason I love pink is that ​it is versatile. More muted pinks represent youth and innocence while loud forms of pink elude sexiness and boldness. Every time I come across anything in my favorite pink shade, I can't help but stop and admire its inherent beauty. Pink is my euphoria."

A Word From Verywell

While people often respond to the color pink in similar ways, it is important to remember that the psychology behind any color can depend upon many different factors. Past experiences, cultural influences, personal taste, and other factors can all impact how a person feels about a particular color, including the color pink.

pink mental health colored babies flower 2019

More Cannabis, Less Mental Illness

More Cannabis, Less Mental Illness

Cannabis and mental health: two things we should know more about, yet many medical professionals will confidently tell you the two don’t mix. But could cannabis be helping instead of hurting?

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Mental Health Awareness Month

The Unknown



I see you,

Do you see me?

We are very similar, even with the same dream.

I wonder who you’ll see when I am 33.

Would you see me?

Because I’ll see you.

- Color Me Tone

Graziano Locatelli’s Love of Broken, Damaged Tile

Another Breakdown

It's hard when you're always lying,
Always hiding the way you feel.
Losing your sight on truthful words,
Forgetting what is real.

- Poem by: Shaydee A Ault

- Image: Graziano Locatelli’s Love of Broken, Damaged Tile 07.21.16

Genius often comes with a price.
— Ali Berman

8 artists who suffered from mental illness

Source: Ali Berman


Highly Resistant to Disease. Through Peace.

Highly Resistant to Disease. Through Peace.

Peace roses were given to each delegate at the inaugural meeting of the United Nations, in San Francisco, with a note that read:  “We hope the Peace rose will influence men’s thoughts for everlasting world peace.”

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