DIY Plant Recipe

Citronella Plant against 'Morfila'  -  16" x 20  -  Acrylic on Canvas  -  Tone Hubb  -  2019


+ Art

'Morfila' - 16" x 20
Acrylic on Canvas Colored Babies
(Tone Hubb) 2019

  1. Citronella oil is available in health food or beauty shops but these commercial goods don't keep all their natural properties and, apart from being expensive, contain processed oils through steam distillation. Therefore, it is better to use homemade DIY citronella oil to get a natural result that provides you with all of the benefits of citronella.

  2. The first thing you should do is to get the necessary tools and ingredients that you are going to use to make homemade citronella oil.

  • 1 cup olive oil

  • One slow cooker

  • 1/4 cup citronella

  • 1 cheesecloth or gauze

3. XSA Next, to make citronella oil you should mix the olive oil with the citronella leaves and stalks inside the slow cooker. Once boiled, strain the mixture using gauze or cheesecloth, always with a container underneath to collect the citronella oil, and discard plants that are left in the strainer.

Finally, repeat the process with the resulting mixture, using fresh citronella leaves and stalks but without changing the olive oil. This way you get oil with an even purer aroma. Afterwards, simply keep the citronella oil in a dark container and store it in a cool, dry place.

4. Bear in mind that citronella oil can be kept in optimum condition for an average of 6 months. You should not consume or use it during pregnancy and it also cannot be applied directly onto the skin as it can cause irritation. So, to be able to apply it as a lotion it should be premixed with soft oil like olive or coconut oil.

5. If you do not have nard leaves or stems, they can be replaced with lemongrass. Also, if you want to learn how to ward off insects with this aroma, we recommend our article on how to keep mosquitoes away with citronella. However, remember that citronella does not kill insects but repels them.

** We do not recommend applying the oil directly to the body. Add to lotion or coconut oil to dilute your extract **